The GTC has a new Members' Forum!

A new forum exclusively for GTC members will launch on Wednesday 1 November.

This will replace the old Yahoo groups forum and offer members a new platform for discussion about matters relevant to all those in our industry. Based on Groups io, the new format will already be familiar to many members and it is hoped that, having several moderators from both the GTC Council and the general membership, will help us enable a discussion group that will be lively, entertaining and informative.

Although the old forum will close for posting on 1 November, the archive will remain online for the foreseeable future as it contains a wealth of helpful advice and knowledge, contributed over the years by members across the industry.

GTC members will receive an invitation by email to join the group over the next few days, and it just takes a quick reply to activate membership of the new forum.

Initially moderators will include Alison Chapman, Clive North, Graham Maunder, James French, Alex Wade, Simon Edwards and John Tarby, and it is planned to encourage people from the wider membership to help moderate the forum in future.