Simon Stevenson

Simon Stevenson
I am an experienced Cameraman specialising in Aerial and Remote Camera operating. working with I have a good working knowledge of stabilised systems such as the Cineflex V14 HD system, Cineflex Ultra, Gyron Stabilised Head and the Shotover F1 Stabilised system and am experienced with integrating and operating various Remote Camera systems on helicopters, tracking vehicles, boats, tethered blimp airships, ground based rail systems, flown track systems, vertical tracks, aero dolly systems, towercams, remote head fixed positions and minicams. Camerawork experience has included many live sporting productions such as, Glorious Goodwood Horseracing 2017, 4th Islamic Baku Games 2017, Rio Summer Olympics 2016, Sochi Winter Olympics 2014, London Summer Olympics 2012, UEFA Euro Football Championships 2016, FIFA World Cup Championships 2014, 1st European Games 2015, International Athletics, Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2009 - 2017, World Rowing Championships and many domestic and International football matches. I also carry out regular helicopter aerial filming for BBC and Sky News. Current Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) qualification. Current Working at Height (WaH) certificate. Showreels available on request.

Recent Work

OB Cameraman and Aerial/Remote Camera Specialist having worked on the following productions:

Glorious Goodwood Horseracing 2017, 4th Islamic Baku Games 2017, Rio Summer Olympics 2016, Sochi Winter Olympics 2014, London Summer Olympics 2012, UEFA Euro Football Championships 2016, FIFA World Cup Championships 2014, 1st European Games 2015, International Athletics, Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2009 - 2016, World Rowing Championships, Ashes Cricket Series and many domestic and International football matches.

Regular helicopter aerial filming for BBC and Sky News.
